
Public Data

Find links to publicly available data about the University of Iowa.

Data Literacy Videos

Learn about key data resources and how to use them, as well as the importance of data literacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do we mean by "institutional data"?

Data users across campus interact with central, collegiate, departmental, library, research, health care, and many other kinds of data. The University of Iowa defines “institutional data” as any information that “constitutes an official record” or “has institutional value.”  This broad definition includes test grades, medical chart entries, research findings, employment records, etc.  All are assets that must be protected and are subject to data governance policies.

Data SPARC's initial work is focused on the subset of central institutional data that is stored in the Oracle Data Warehouse.  

Contact your data liaison if you have questions about other data that may be available within your org or unit.

Who can I contact when I have questions?

A great place to start is with your data liaison.  Each UI organizational unit has a data liaison (or team of liaisons) that connects the org unit to the central Data Hub. Working with the hub and with each other, data liaisons act as advisors, resources, and communicators to help individuals in their org unit understand and use data effectively and appropriately. 

You can find your data liaison here.

Another option is to send a question to the central Data Hub through the Campus Data support team, using this simple form.