The following publicly available sources are a good place to start to learn about the University of Iowa.  Each contains a wealth of data, current and historical, about the university.

UI Data Digest

The Data Digest provides quantitative information about various aspects of the university, including students, faculty, and budget. 

Office of the Registrar Reports and Statistics

The Office of the Registrar publishes a number of reports regarding student enrollment and demographic statistics, based on official census data.

Board of Regents, State of Iowa

The university collects, analyzes, and reports to the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, a wide range of institutional data. Regular and ad hoc governance reports to the Board are posted on the Board's web site.

Browse the links below for guidance toward data in particular subject areas.

Please keep in mind that many measures can be counted in a variety of different ways, depending on definitions of what to include, timeframe, and other variables. The notes below should help to clarify what choices were made in producing various reports. 

Data Complexities

This sharable document prepared by the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost is a handy reminder of the complexity of our institutional data and the need to stay educated about how to use it appropriately.

Student Counts

Below is not an exhaustive list of available student count reports.  See the Data Digest and the Student Profile for additional distributions of student counts, including by geographic origin, full- or part-time, age, first generation status, and more.

Student Headcounts by Level (undergraduate, graduate, professional, post-graduate)
SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Includes additional grouping by level?Notes
Data DigestFall Semester Headcount Enrollment by Student LevelFall census data, 10-year comparison Student year for undergraduates (first year, second year, third year, fourth year, unclassified); degree objective for graduate students (master's, doctoral, other); degree objective for professional students (DDS, JD, MD, PharmD) 
Student ProfileComparative Enrollment ReportCensus date of selected session, previous year comparison  
Student ProfileTotal Enrollment by Level ComparisonCensus date of selected session, previous year comparisonStudent year for undergraduates 
Census Report Census date of selected session, previous year comparison (no winter session report)Student year for undergraduates and MD students (first year, second year, third year, fourth year, unclassified); admission status for all other students (regular admit, conditional admit, unclassified)  Excludes post-graduate students in calculation of total
Fall Enrollment ReportTable1: Headcount and FTE Enrollment by Residence and Education LevelFall census dataStudent year for undergraduates (first year, second year, third year, fourth year, unclassified); degree objective for graduate students (master's, doctoral, other)Excludes post-graduate students
Common Data SetItem B1: Institutional Enrollment - Men and WomenFall census data Combines graduate and professional


Student Headcounts by Sex
SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)By Level (U/G/P/PG)?Notes
Data DigestFall Semester Headcount Enrollment by GenderFall census data, 10-year comparison Yes 
Student ProfileComparative Enrollment ReportCensus date of selected session, previous year comparisonYes 
Student ProfileTotal Enrollment by Level ComparisonCensus date of selected session, previous year comparisonYes, including by student year for undergraduates 
Census Report Census date of selected session, previous year comparison (no winter session report)No, breakdown for total onlyExcludes post-graduate students in calculation of total
Fall Enrollment ReportTable 16: Enrollment at Regent Universities by Sex & Education LevelFall census dataYes, including by degree objective for graduate studentsExcludes post-graduate students; prorates "Prefer not to answer/Other" into Male and Female categories based on total student population
Common Data SetItem B1: Institutional Enrollment - Men and WomenFall census dataYesCombines graduate and professional


Student Headcounts by Race/Ethnicity
SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)By Level (U/G/P/PG)?Notes
Data DigestFall Semester Headcount Enrollment by Racial/Ethnic CategoryFall census data, 10-year comparison YesBreaks down "two or more races" category into "underrepresented minority" and "not underrepresented minority"
Student ProfileStudent Enrollment by Sex, Ethnic Category and Primary Program CollegeCensus date of selected fall or spring sessionYesFall and spring Profile only
Student ProfileUndergraduate and Graduate Enrollment by Primary Program of Study and Program (or Curricular) College;
Professional and Post Graduate Enrollment by Primary Program of Study 
Census date of selected sessionYes 
Fall Enrollment ReportTable 6: Student Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and ResidenceFall census dataSee Tables 6F, 6UG, 6GM, 6GD, 6GO, 6GP for breakdowns by student levelExcludes post-graduate students
Common Data SetItem B2: Enrollment by Racial/Ethnic CategoryFall census dataYes, undergraduate only 


Student Headcounts by Residency
SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)By Level (U/G/P/PG)?Notes
Data DigestFall Semester Headcount Enrollment by ResidencyFall census data, 10-year comparison Yes 
Student ProfileFull-Time and Part-Time Enrollment by ResidencyCensus date of selected sessionYes 
Student ProfileComparative Resident and Non-Resident Enrollment by Program CollegeCensus date of selected session, previous year comparisonYes 
Census Report Census date of selected session, previous year comparison (no winter session report)YesExcludes post-graduate students in calculation of total
Fall Enrollment ReportTable1: Headcount and FTE Enrollment by Residence and Education LevelFall census dataYes, including student year for undergraduates and degree objective for graduate students Excludes post-graduate students


Student Headcounts by College
SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)By Level (U/G/P/PG)?Notes
Data DigestFall Semester Headcount Enrollment by College and by Student Level Fall census data, 10-year comparison YesBy college of student's primary program of study
Student ProfileComparative Enrollment Report by Primary Program CollegeCensus date of selected session, previous year comparisonYesBy program college 
Student ProfileComparative Enrollment Report by Curricular CollegeCensus date of selected session, previous year comparisonYesBy curricular college
Student ProfileComparative Resident and Non-Resident Enrollment by Program CollegeCensus date of selected session, previous year comparisonYesBy program college 
Student ProfileUndergraduate and Graduate Enrollment by Primary Program of Study and Program CollegeCensus date of selected sessionYes (see separate report for professional and postgraduate students)By program college 
Student ProfileUndergraduate and Graduate Enrollment by Primary Program of Study and Curricular CollegeCensus date of selected sessionYes (see separate report for professional and postgraduate students)By curricular college
Census Report Census date of selected session, previous year comparison (no winter session report)YesBy curricular college; excludes post-graduate students in calculation of total
Fall Enrollment ReportTable 3: Comparative Enrollment by College, Education Level, and SexFall census dataYes, including degree objective level for graduate students Excludes post-graduate students


Faculty and Staff Counts

Faculty headcounts are reported to the Board of Regents, State of Iowa; in response to various surveys; and in other internal and external reports. Guidelines for which faculty to include or exclude in these reports vary, resulting in different counts of “total faculty.” 

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)BY FACULTY Track/TYPE?

Temp - Fall 23

Data DigestHeadcount of Faculty by Faculty Category and GenderNovember 1, 10-year comparisonTenured, tenure track, clinical track, research & instructional track, other non-tenure track


Includes all faculty with active appointments as of November 1 in the selected year, including non-salaried adjunct appointments.
Tenure ReportTable 3, Table 3ANovember 1of selected yearTenured, tenure track, clinical track, research track, instructional track, adjunct, visiting, other non-tenure track


Table 3 includes all faculty with active appointments as of November 1 in the selected year; Table 3A includes active salaried appointments only.
Data DigestEmployment Profile HeadcountNovember 1 of selected yearTenure track, clinical track, other regular faculty; temporary faculty


Comprehensive Human Resources Report (Board of Regents, #H)Total Workforce (Faculty)October 1 of selected yearTotal only


Includes institutional officials and academic administrators 
Affirmative Action Report (Board of Regents, #A)Primary Occupational Activity Group ComparisonsOctober 31 of selected year, with five- and ten-year prior comparisonsTenured and tenure track faculty, non-tenure track faculty


Count of individuals with a 50% or greater faculty appointment as of snapshot date, by Primary Occupational Activity (POA) Group; excludes administrators, including DEOs
Common Data SetItem I-1: Instructional FacultyNovember 1 of selected yearInstructional faculty


Full time instructional faculty (excludes clinical departments, research track faculty, and administrators) as reported to the AAUP Faculty Salary survey; plus part time instructional faculty calculated as total FTE of part time faculty in included departments/categories.
Departmental Faculty Salary Report November 1 of selected yearTenured and tenure track faculty only


Full-time tenured/tenure track faculty in non-clinical CIP programs, top three ranks only.  Administrators (assistant deans and higher) excluded.


Program Enrollments

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Data DigestFall Semester Enrollment by Objective and Program of StudyFall census data, 10-year comparison 
Student ProfileUndergraduate and Graduate Enrollment by Primary Program of Study and Program College
Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment by Primary Program of Study and Curricular College
Census data of selected session 

Program Completions

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Data DigestNumber of Degree Programs Completed by Student Level  
Common Data SetItem B3, Number of degrees awardedJuly 1 to June 30 

Retention and Graduation

Post-Graduation Outcomes

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Bachelor's degree program post-graduation data (Pomerantz Career Center)   
Graduate program post-graduation data (Graduate College)   
Recent Alumni Career Outcomes: Income & Student Debt by Program    
Wages and Outcomes (Board of Regents)   


Alumni Counts

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Data DigestDistribution of Alumni by StateMost recent data requested from Alumni Records 
Data DigestAlumni by CollegeMost recent data requested from Alumni RecordsNot unique counts; alumni are counted in each relevant college and in each relevant degree category

Tuition and Fees

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Data DigestAcademic Year Tuition & Required Fees at Public Big Ten UniversitiesLatest academic year 
Data DigestTrends in Academic Year Tuition and Required FeesAcademic year, with 10-year comparison 
Data DigestUndergraduate Cost of Attendance per Academic YearAcademic year, with 10-year comparison 
Tuition and Fee Rate Tables Selected session 
Cost of Attendance  Components and estimate of undergraduate and graduate cost of attendance by academic year.


Student Financial Aid

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Data DigestStudent Financial Aid Awards by Type  
Student Financial Aid Report (Board of Regents, #F)   

Financial Data

University Budget
SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
University Budget Selected fiscal year, with previous year comparisonSpreadsheet, narrative, and charts for current year budget, with links to data for three prior years
Data DigestGeneral Education Fund Budget - RevenuesFiscal year, with 10-year comparison 
Data DigestGeneral Education Fund Budget - ExpendituresFiscal year, with 10-year comparison 


University Revenues and Expenditures
SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Annual Financial Report Selected fiscal year  (with period 15 adjustments), with previous year comparisonThe audited financial report summarizes the financial position and results of operations of the university for the past two fiscal years.
Data DigestUniversity RevenueFiscal year (with period 15 adjustments), with 10-year comparison 
Data DigestUniversity Operating Expenses by FunctionFiscal year  (with period 15 adjustments), with 10-year comparison 
Data DigestFiscal Year Gross Expenditures by Organization, All FundsSelected fiscal year 
Data DigestFiscal Year Gross Expenditures by Organization, General Education Funds          Selected fiscal year 


SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Annual UI Health Care Financial Report Selected fiscal year, with previous year comparisonA general overview of UI Hospitals and Clinics’ finance and operations.



Faculty Salaries

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Data DigestAverage Faculty Salaries by Professorial RankSelected fiscal year 
Data DigestMedian Average Faculty Salaries by Professorial Rank         Fiscal year, with 10-year comparison 
Departmental Faculty Salary Reports   


Research Funding

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Data DigestExtramural Awards  
Funding Watch  Includes all external funding
Annual Research Funding (news release archive)  Headline total includes all external funding



Economic Development and Technology Transfer

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Data DigestTechnology TransferFiscal year, 10-year comparison 
Economic Development and Technology Transfer (Board of Regents, #E) Selected fiscal year 
County-by-county Impact (Board of Regents)UI Economic Development  


SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Facilities Management Quick Facts Latest dataTotals of campus statistics across all UI campuses including the Main Campus, Oakdale Campus, UI Hospitals and Clinics, and other property owned and managed by the university.  


UI Health Care

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
UI Health Care Annual Report Selected year 
UI Health Care Financial Report Selected fiscal year, with previous year comparisonA general overview of UI Hospitals and Clinics’ finance and operations.
County-by-county Impact (Board of Regents)UI Health Care Patient Visits  

International Programs

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
International Programs reports & statistics   


Campus Climate and Assessment

SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Campus Climate Survey Data 2018 (faculty, staff, students); 2020 (faculty and staff); 2020-21 (students); 2022 (faculty, staff, and students)  
Working at Iowa Survey Data Most recent survey year 
Office of Assessment Reports and SurveysUI Senior Exit SurveyMost recent survey year 
Office of Assessment Reports and SurveysStudent Experience SurveysMost recent survey year 



SourceTable(s) / Report(s)Snapshot(s)Notes
Directory of University Accreditations   


Public Records Requests