Anyone with an interest in institutional data can be part of a University of Iowa data community.


The university is building a hub-and-spoke framework for data communication, modeled after other successful hub-and-spoke frameworks on campus. Data stewards and experts in the central hub are connected to every organizational unit through org unit "data liaisons," who are in turn connected to one another as a data community (see below).  This model will allow us to build more sustainable communication pathways, gain a better understanding of data-related needs across the university, and direct resources more strategically.

Data Communities

At the University of Iowa, data communities facilitate communication and collaboration across the institution.  Data community members support each other in data management, reporting, and analytics by facilitating training, showcasing examples and demonstrations, and collaborating with others who have similar needs and interests. This mutual support ensures data users have a multitude of ways to find help with data when they need it.  

Not yet part of a data community, or not finding the answers you need? Use this form to ask any data-related question.